Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects are on the rise! From refurbishing your old furniture, building that new deck or starting a candle making hobby; the general population seems to be getting very comfortable doing everything themselves.
Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control technicians are certified to work with pesticides specifically made to rid your home of wasps nests in a safe manner. These chemicals are only sold to certified technicians, and there’s a reason for that; we know how to use them safely.
Identifying the type of wasp you have in your home will help determine whether you are dealing with a large nest of social wasps or a solitary insect, such as a black wasp. The black wasp lives alone and does not pose any threat during an extermination. Social wasps live in large colonies, making it extremely dangerous to remove their nests without professionals. Only a certified pest control technician can effectively identify the species of wasp you are dealing with and remove the nest safely. Because social wasps are the pests you’re most likely to have a problem with at your home, we will be focusing on them for this article.
Why Are Wasps Attracted to Your Home and Yard?

I know what you’re thinking, “wait? the wasp could be in my house all winter”. Absolutely. During the winter, the queen has found a nice home to make a nest. Once the weather gets warmer, your quiet house guest will begin hunting for food outside your home. This is exactly why homeowners notice wasps gravitating towards their house and gardens during the summer. Wasps love your gardens! Your yard provides insects, grubs, larvae and eggs that look mighty delicious to your wasp roommates.
While wasps love their bug feasts, they also enjoy sugary foods. We love BBQ in the spring and summer. What a coincidence, so do they! Make sure you toss any left over pieces of food into your organics bin. It’s also wise to dispose of left over pop cans or beer bottles in a covered recycling bin. These sugary drinks are sure to attract these unwanted party guests as well.
Why Are Wasps Nests Such a Bad Thing?

Like finger prints, no wasp nest looks the same. Each nest will be a different size and shape. Wasps generally make their nests in areas of your home where they feel less likely to be disturbed. When wasps are disturbed is when wasps get dangerous. Wasps send distress signals to others when they feel in danger, this is why wasps are likely to attack in large numbers. These distress signals are not the air horns we imagine in a time of emergency, instead they communicate with each other using pheromones. When a wasp stings, it emits pheromones that call on the rest of the colony to attack the cause of the distress. Wasp stings are typically not dangers, however in rate occasions can result in death if an individual has a severe allergy.
Stop DIY Wasp Nest Removal

The biggest problem we see with DIY wasp nest removals are identification. Using the incorrect pesticide can not only waste your time, money and effort, but actually cause injury to the insects, which causes them to respond very aggressively.
The internet will provide you with countless ways to rid your home of wasps. And of course, like anything else online, not all of this information is correct. In fact, a lot of information found online is misleading and seriously dangerous.

Why Trust Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control Instead?
We won’t burn your house down! Unlike the instructors you find online, we are trained professionals with years of experience exterminating wasps.
Removing a wasp nest is a process that requires the skills and expertise of a pest control specialist. Not only can our experts remove the nest safely, we can also provide long-term solutions that prevent them from returning in the future.
With our proven success, multiple 5 star ratings and skilled pest control professionals, Pest Kings can be trusted to fix your wasp problem permanently. For the best wasp removal services in Tottenham, Alliston, Beeton, Bradford, Newmarket and Bolton, call us at 647-988-5034.